OPERATOR'S GUIDE: Pictures at an Exhibition

OPERATOR'S GUIDE: Pictures at an Exhibition

This document is intended as a reference guide for Muséik Operators. It includes sequential links to articles and videos for training purposes and specific performance tips related to this specific product.

Links and videos marked with † are essential.

GETTING STARTED - for first time users

Muséik Quick Start Guide - A quick overview of how to get started with Muséik
Muséik System Requirements - Basic system requirements. Please note that Blue Marble is a Mac Only show.
Downloading Your Show Files - How to find and download your Show Files after placing an order on the Ion website
The Main Interface - A quick guide to the sections of the main Muséik interface
Loading Show Files Into Muséik - A step-by-step guide for loading your Show Files into Muséik
Loading a .ion Show File (VIDEO) - How to load your media into the Muséik software
Controller Options for Muséik - Overview of different methods for controlling the software
† Setting Up Output Display Window (VIDEO) - Instructions for displaying full screen video for the audience


Play / Pause / Stop - Basic file commands in the interface
Tempo Controls (VIDEO) - How to make a sync with the tempo controls
Using the Quick Scrubber - How to move quickly to different sections of the score
Changing the File Directory - Instructions for storing your Show Files in a different location
How to Practice With Muséik - Best practices for learning the software before running it in a live rehearsal
Cursor Management - Always be aware where your cursor is!


Changing Audio Outputs (VIDEO) - Overview of working with audio in Muséik
Connecting Audio - How to export audio from your computer
† How Do I Make The Output Window Full Screen? - setting the audience display screen
Grey and Green Boxes in the score Window: The Saftey - Advanced tempo control with Safeties and Countdown Bars


Setting Up for A Successful Performance - Important tips to avoid performance issues


·       Movement 2: I Gnomus
This movement is exceptionally difficult for the software operator to perform. Please allow extra rehearsal time for the film performer to become acquainted with the conductor’s interpretation of this movement. Most troublesome are the fermata and tempo changes in the first section. Making an audio or video recording of the rehearsal can be quite helpful to permit the video performer to practice with the conductor’s tempi outside of rehearsal. SUGGESTION: Don't worry about staying syncd note-by-note in the first section. Instead, allow the film to get out ahead of the ensemble. Then hit PAUSE at each SAFETY. If the conductor is taking a different tempo in each segment, adjust the Tempo Slider during the pause. Then hit PLAY at the next downbeat. Know where the critical sync points are (like when the character smashes into the wall) and focus on getting those syncs correct. The rest does not need to be perfectly syncd.

·      Movement 9: Ballet of the Chicks
In the bar before the movement begins the film motion does not stop, but when the girl tilts her head to study the painting we have found that it works to PAUSE the film and wait for the downbeat of the Chicks movement. Work in rehearsal to time the downbeat coming out of the repeated section. It does not work to PASUE the video here, and it is important that the scene change corresponds with the downbeat after the repeat sign. With some practice this sync spot is quite playable.


·      Movement 10: VI Goldenberg and Schmuyle
In this movement, the film begins four (4) counts before the music begins. The video performer has the four counts in his/her display and will count them off for the conductor.


·      Movement 13: IX The Hut on Fowl’s Legs (Baba Yaga)
At the fermata in bar 124 (measure before rehearsal 94), the film plays for the equivalent of five full measures. During this time, the orchestra is holding the fermata. Rather than counting five bars of rest, the conductor is asked to watch the video performer who has these bars written out in his/her interface and can give the final count(s) to cue the conductor. The film is highly sync’d coming out of this fermata making it essential that the film and music enter together on the downbeat. NOTE: For the film’s premiere in Miami, conductor Michael Tilson Thomas chose to add a wind machine during this fermata.

·      Movement 14: Great Gate of Kiev
This movement is difficult to follow at first. It helps to know that the score is written in cut time and the reduced score inside the software DOES NOT utilize ties to connect held whole notes together. After a few tries it will become easier to see the shape of the melody as it scrolls by. At the 3/2 section (Rehearsal 118) focus on the rhythm bars in the scrolling score (third stave). The music is moving VERY fast and it is easiest to just sync the downbeats. A helpful tip: rehearsal 119 is where the chord changes and upper winds join. That last section flies. Hang on tight, focus on just the downbeats, and check your position at Rehearsal 119 by listening for the chord change / winds entrance.

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