The Main Interface

The Main Interface

When you open Muséik and load a file the interface will have seven sections:

1. SCORE WINDOW. In this top window the score, or event map, will display. When the file is playing this window will become animated with material moving across it from right to left. The red Now Bar marks the current "time" in the performance; the main objective of the Muséik operator is to make sure the notes or other material passing under the Now Bar matches what is happening in the live performance.
2. VIDEO OUTPUT MONITOR. This window gives the Muséik operator the ability to see what images are being projected publicly on the Main Output Display (not seen in the image above). Both the score window and the Video Output Monitor can be toggled on or off in the SETTINGS window (see #6 below).
3. PLAYLIST. This section offers eight media bays where files van be loaded, organized and engaged.
4. TEMPO CONTROL. The Main Tempo Slider is the primary control in the interface. It is the big red slider with four hash marks. The center position represents 100% playback speed of the media. Moving the slider to the left slows the media playback, moving it to the right speeds up the media playback.
5. QUICK SCRUBBER, VOLUME AND FADE CONTROLS. There are three sliders stacked in this section. The top one is quite thin and is seen just below the Video Output Monitor. This is the Quick Scrubber. The middle slider is the main volume control and the bottom slider is a video fader.
6. MIXER AND SETTINGS. Clicking on each of these words will open the control window for each.
7. TRACK NOTES AND CONCERT NOTES. These boxes are user-defined areas where text-based notes related to the show can be entered and saved. Track Notes tie to each of the eight media bays. Text notes can be created for each of the eight bays. Concert Notes are concert-wide comments that remain static across all eight media bays.
8. MUSEIK REMOTE SETTINGS. These settings are for establishing a wireless connection with an iPad that has the Museik Remote app installed on it.
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