Setting Up for a Successful Performance

Setting Up for a Successful Performance

There are a few tips that will make your experience as a Muséik operator more enjoyable and ensure a successful performance.

  1. LOADING FILES.  When you open Muséik and load your files at the start of a session it is very important to actually PLAY each file for a second or two.  This extra step will ensure that your media files have loaded properly. It also pre-loads a bit of data into your RAM memory so your computer will not need to work quite as hard when you open the file in performance. Lastly, but very importantly, we have seen audio files load incorrectly so that the sync is off by a beat or two when you hit play.  Simply followthese steps every time you load a file to resolve all these issues:
    1. Load the Show File into a media bay
    2. Press Play; allow the file to play for a second or two
    3. Check to make sure the film, score and audio files are all playing correctly
    4. Press STOP
    5. Load the next Show File
  1. MOVE SLOWLY AND METHODICALLY.  While Muséik is easy and intuitive to operate, the software is doing some pretty heavy lifting under the hood. Because of this, the software like things to be done properly and in order. This can cause problems in performance when the operator is nervous and feeling rushed to open a new media file and be ready for the next entrance. DO NOT SKIP STEPS. Opening a new file properly only takes a couple of seconds, even if it feels like the entire hall is waiting on you. Slow down, take your time, and ALWAYS follow these steps:
    1. At the end of a file, either press STOP or let the file play to the end. You will know it has reached the end because the score will reset to the beginning. Just because the video screen is black does not mean the file has stopped playing. Do not engage the next Show File until the score resets to the beginning or you press STOP on the current file.
    2. After you load a new Show File, wait for just a moment to give the computer time to load everything correctly. Allowing just one second after the score window populates before pressing play can avoid big problems.
      • USING THE QUICK SCRUBBER.The Quick Scrubber can be a very valuable tool in rehearsal. But it requires a lot of processing behind the scenes when you use it.  To avoid unsyncing your files or  crashing the system, only use the Quick Scrubber when the media file is in PAUSE modeDo not operate the Quick Scrubber while the media is in PLAY or STOP mode.

          NOTE: Muséik is stable and has been battle-tested in literally hundreds of performances around the world. There is no reason to worry that it will crash or cause problems during performance. That said, we have seen the program close or deliver an incorrect sync if the steps above are not followed.  Get in the habit of following these steps in practice and rehearsal, and take a moment before the downbeat to remind yourself that what feels like an eternity as you load a new Show File is in reality just a few seconds.

  1. MONITOR YOUR CURSOR. Your computer mouse has the ability to move off your display window and appear on the projected display. When this happens the audience will see your mouse.  We recommend finding a spot inside the interface to "park" the mouse when not in use. If you always park it in the same spot it will be easier to verify its location when you need it. Most of us instinctively wiggle the mouse as a way to help our eyes locate it. If it is sitting in the middle of the projected display the audience will likely be quite distracted by your wiggling mouse. 
  1. WHEN IN DOUBT, RE-START.  On the rare occasion when Muséik does act up and cause you issues always remember that re-starting the software is a helpful - and often important - remedy. Going a step further,  rebooting your computer and then re-starting the software may sometimes be the trick needed to get past an issue.

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