"Blue Marble" (Ion Sku 90079) is a film with audio that accompanies Julie Giroux's composition of the same name. Score and parts are available through Musica Propria, the film and digital audio files are distributed through Ion Concert Media. The film is an optional component for performance; the audio files are required.
The film is available in three formats: single screen, three panels with one projector, and three panels with three projectors. The single screen format includes one 1920x1080 image to be projected for the audience. The three-panel versions are the same content, but formatted to be screened across three 1920x1080 display surfaces. The content on the three screens is not the same.
Three-screen production. El Paso Winds, Dr. Bradley Genevro conducting.The audio files include both sound effects and backing tracks, all of which are required for performance. The audio files can be driven through the Muséik software even if the film is not being screened.
Movement 1: Backing tracks. Highly rhythmic, a precise sync with the live performance is required.
Movement 2: Sound effects that are available in a standard L/R stereo configuration or in a 4-channel immersive surround sound configuration.
Movement 3: Sound effects in a standard L/R stereo audio configuration.
Sync Solution. Muséik is the exclusive synchronizing technology for Blue Marble. Muséik allows the digital media to follow live tempo in real time. Please see other Knowledge Base articles to learn more about the technology. If you have not used Muséik in the past, please allow 6-8 weeks minimum for technical planning. You will not need all of this time, but it is much better to stay ahead of schedule than to be forced to rush things the week of your concert.
Video. The presenting organization is responsible for arranging projectors and display surfaces. Please consult with your local AV rental service to determine proper sizes for screens and projectors. The Blue Marble Show Files will only play on Mac computers; the show cannot be run with Windows machines.
Audio. Stereo L/R audio can be delivered to your house audio quite simply through Muséik. See other articles in the Knowledge Base regarding the audio functionalities of Muséik. If your production will use the immersive surround sound audio in movement two an audio mixing board with four channels of both input and output are required. Please refer to the article
Adding Surround Sound Audio to Your Performance or consult directly with the team at Ion Concert Media for detailed specs.
Three-Panel, Three Projectors Production. To produce Blue Marble with three screens there are several special considerations. First, it must be determined how and where three display surfaces can be located in the performance venue. Physically hanging three screens with three projectors is an option. We recommend the three screens be hung at equal heights. The center screen should be the same size or larger than the two side screens.
The distance between screens is flexible, but they generally should be grouped without lots of space between them. Be sure to consider both size and location of the screens and the placement of your projectors when exploring this option. Alternatively, the film works quite well using a single projector to project all three screens across one display surface. Most often this surface is a cyc curtain hung at the back wall of the stage, but it might also be a sound shell or a blank wall. Whatever the surface, you must remember that the image projected will be extremely wide and narrow (see the image at right). It will not work well to project it on any surface less than about 50 feet in width. The dimensions of the three screen video are 5760x1080.
Three-screen productions that uses three different projectors (or LED screens) will require a video wall controller to split the signal between the three output sources. Refer to the article
Using A Video Wall Controller to Project on Multiple Surfaces for more information. You may check with your local AV rental company to source a video wall controller locally. We have found many of the units available for rent are quite expensive and complicated. Our preferred solution is the Matrox QuadHead2Go, a small and simple video wall controller that is as close to "plug and play" as you will find. Ion Concert Media owns one of these units and makes it available to our customers at a low weekly rental rate. See "EQUIPMENT RENTAL" below for more information.
Scenting. Ion Concert Media is proud to partner with
ScentEvents to offer a live event scenting optional component for your production of Blue Marble. During the second movement of the work you can now make your hall smell like a tropical rainforest. The scenting product is a natural, oil-based fragrance that can be deployed in your hall several ways. Past productions that have used the product have found it to be quite friendly to both scent-sensitive audience members and the local fire codes. The combination of music, visual, sound effects AND scent can make an extremely powerful audience experience. Please talk with us directly if you are interested in exploring this unique immersive feature,
Score and parts are available from Musica Propria. FIlm and audio files are available from Ion Concert Media. To order the film and audio files:
2. Select the version of the film you require and add it to your cart.
3. Go to Checkout and complete the order process.
4. Connect us with your Museik operator.
5. The Blue Marble Show Files will download with a license expiration date of June 15. If you need extra time with the files please let us know.
Your Museik operator will be our main contact for the production. After the Show Files have been delivered we are happy to work with the operator to provide training on the Muséik software and any technical assistance that may be required. We often are asked to participate in a conference call with the hall tech director as well to walk through equipment and cabling needs. We are happy to provide this service and invite you to schedule a phone call or video conference using our online meeting scheduling service. You can find the meeting request form at
this link or by clicking "Request a Meeting" in the CONTACT US drop down menu on the website's main navigation menu.
We are happy to provide technical support for your production. We are available by phone or email to answer questions or assist with technology planning for your show. We will ask you to let us know the dates and times of your performances and will make 24-hour technical support available to you beginning 48 hours before your first performance. To request assistance you may
1. Click "Submit A Ticket" in the CONTACT US menu dropdown on our site,
3. Phone: +1 952-681-2600
4. Connect Through WhatsApp: +1 (952) 393-6609
Ion Concert Media has a small inventory of production equipment available for rent including signal converters, signal boosters, video wall controllers, and video switchers. These items are available to our customers at low weekly rental rates. Rental of the equipment also includes support from the Ion Support Team. To search our available equipment navigate to the SHOP page at
www.ionconcertmedia.com and then select "Equipment Rental" in the available filters.