License Error: Bundle has an invalid license

License Error: Bundle has an invalid license

In Muséik 3.0 this error message can be caused by a few issues.

By far the most common cause is that your Show File is not stored in the proper folder. All Show Files you want to access through the software need to be stored at: User/Documents/Museik/Library.

On Windows computers there is a second trigger for this error message: Show Files larger than about 2.35 GB time out during the encryption process and return the invalid license error. This is only an issue on Windows computers. If you are trying to open a large file on a Windows machine contact support and we will attempt to get your file sizes under the threshold,

Finally, this error can occur if your download of the Show File was corrupted somehow. Try re-downloading the file.

If none of these solutions resolves the issue contact support.
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