Establishing a Private Network on a Mac (for wireless control)

Establishing a Private Network on a Mac (for wireless control)

To establish a wireless connection between the computer and a wireless device:

1. ON THE COMPUTER. Click on the network control icon in the upper right corner of the computer screen (located on the far left in the image below).

2. Click “Create Network” in the dropdown screen.

NOTE:  On more recent versions of Mac OSX the "Create Network" option is hidden. To enable it click Network Preferences from your network control icon drop down menu.  Then click "Advanced" in the lower right corner of the pop up window.

Next tick the box that says: "Show legacy networks and options."

3. A window titled “Create a computer to computer network” will pop up. Enter a unique name for your network. Select a channel other than 11 (there is often too much traffic on Channel 11, especially in venues with many cell phones). Click Create.

4. ON THE WIRELESS DEVICE. Navigate to Settings and then to the Wi-Fi menu. Select the network you just created. You may need to scroll down a bit. On an iPad it will be listed under “DEVICES”. A dialog box will appear saying the network is not on the internet and asking if you still want to connect. Select “Join Anyway.”

5. Exit settings and open the Muséik Remote from you applications.

6. Wiggle the Tempo Slider on the iPad. It may take a minute or so for the connection to be made, or the iPad app may crash each time you move the slider. Keep trying. Once the connection is made the Tempo Slider on the computer interface will move with the iPad slider and the name of the app (Muséik Remote) will appear in the lower left corner of the computer interface.

7. ON THE COMPUTER. The wireless settings appear in the lower left corner of the computer interface. Find the name of the app (Muséik Remote) in white letters. Click on the down arrow to the right and select the name of your wireless device from the dropdown menu.

8. ON THE WIRELESS DEVICE. Move the Fader and Ritard sliders up and down once each to sync them with the computer interface.

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