Will Muséik run with an Apple M1 Chip?
I bought a new Apple computer with an M1 processor. Will Muséik run on my new machine?
Seeking UI Recommendations
The Dev team has recently undertaken a project to review the current UI design. Our goal is to update and improve the layout and controls during the next build cycle. We are seeking any input our user community may have about the software interface, the
SETTINGS Window is Broken
In Muséik 3.0.2 there is known bug that hides some elements in the SETTINGS window if it opened a second time in a session. The audio settings drop-downs are missing and un-editable. Other control features in the window may display incorrectly but are
Problem with Loading Program: Muséik Does Not Work
Sometimes (very rarely) when you open Muséik or try to play a file it will not work. The problem can be fairly random: 1) the score window not populating (it will appear either white or grey), or 2) nothing happens when you press the Playlist load circle.
Remember: For best results, treat Museik like a musical instrument!
Having the Museik operator on stage with a sightline to the conductor allows the operator to better see and feel the rhythm of the band. Additionally, bobbing one's head or tapping one's foot can help to internalize the rhythm and make keeping the sync
Does it have to be LIVE?
Concert format changed and we are no longer in the auditorium so I cannot run the movie file with LIVE audio. I recorded my group playing during rehearsal and want to mix their audio with the video file. Does anyone know if I can do this using Museik?
Finder Freezes
In the past few weeks we have become aware of a bug in Muséik 3.0.2 on Mac computers that causes the Finder to freeze when it is accessed from inside the program. The two scenarios where we have seen the bug present are: 1) when loading a .ion Show File
Issue with Full Screen Toggle
In Muséik 3.0.2 there is an issue with the full screen toggle function. When you press ESC the output display goes to full screen mode, but it is not possible to toggle the output display back to a minimized view. Instead, pressing the ESC key will toggle
We want to hear your content ideas!!
If you have ideas or suggestions for new content we can source or create please let us know! Junior High through professional ensembles - we are constantly seeking new ideas to expand the Ion Content Library.
Access The Ion Concert Media Help Center Website
CLICK HERE to go to the Help Center. Do you want to really dig in to the database of help doc articles? How about participating in online forums about Muséik? Or maybe you want to ask a question to the community. You can do all of this from the Ion
Will Muséik run on a Chromebook computer?
I want to install Muséik on my Chromebook. Is this possible?